How to boost your learning experience –– tips for beginners in Spanish

Let no one fool you: your first steps in Spanish will be slow. But rest assured there are things you can do to speed the process up. Assuming that you are already studying with a good tutor and that you have a bit of extra time to throw in a couple of extra activities, here are a five tips that will improve your learning curve. 

1) Be in the language. This might sound like Zen. And it might be a bit Zen. You have to “be in the language”, spending time in it without any other goal. In other words, you have to spend a bit of time letting the language change you in imperceptible ways. Listen to the radio Spanish (even if you don’t get a single word!). Watch films in Spanish –– yes, with subtitles to begin with. Change your Xbox settings to Spanish. Things like these. The process of learning a language is not always entirely conscious. Even if you aren’t paying attention sounds, words, intonations, etc, will in this way imprint into your unconscious. 

2) Cherish every chance to practice Spanish. You might feel slightly embarrassed at the beginning and jumping into conversations with natives or advanced speakers might not come naturally. You would be surprised how open Spanish speakers generally are when you make an effort to speak to them in Spanish.

3) Immerse yourself in Hispanic culture. Hang out in places where Spanish speakers hang out. Go to pubs where they show La Liga or Latin American football. If you don’t like football look for relevant events on Time Out and drop by –– there are hundreds of these every weekend in London and any other major city. Just by listening to other people around you speak in Spanish you will be improving. 

4) Book a trip to Spain or Latin America. On your own. In this way you will be forced to communicate with the locals. Few things are better boosters than a good old culture shock. English is widely spoken in Spain and South America –– just insist that you want to speak in Spanish and everyone will be happy to help you.

5) Have fun. Learning Spanish, for whatever the reason you do it, should be fun. Spaniards and Latin Americans are renowned for their easy going approach to life. Try to get into this mood and enjoy the ride wherever it takes you.